
Дек 6 Notice: Network Upgrade Announcement

Dear Users, Due to a scheduled network upgrade, some services associated with IP ranges 27.124.24.xxx and 202.95.18.xxx will undergo maintenance from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM Los Angeles Time on December 8 (12:30 AM to 4:30 AM Beijing Time on December 9). During the upgrade, the network may experience interruptions or temporary unavailability. ... Читать далее »

Авг 18 站群批量特价回馈活动

站群批量特价回馈活动 请 “提交工单” 输入您的需求,我们将人工为您安排订单。 产品 区域 配置 10-20台 单价 20台以上 单价 裸金属 美国 E5-2620v2 + 32G + 1T HDD大陆优化100M不限(1C,2C,4C,8C可选)  $89.90 $79.90 独服 美国 E3-1230 + 16G + 1T ... Читать далее »